User Experience, Brand Identity & Website Design / Kingsmoss Gospel Hall

Kingsmoss Gospel Hall, a church located in Ballyclare, approached me to create a new brand identity and to design a clean, modern and updated website.

Main pages included:

  • Home page with updated weekly content

  • Schedules of church services

  • Displaying different mediums of content - Podcasts/Audio, Articles, Video etc.

  • Contact Page

  • FAQs

To kick off the project, I had an initial call with a member of Kingsmoss Gospel Hall to gather all the necessary details for the website and brand revamp. I began with the brand identity design, which then set the tone and style for the website.

Brand Identity

The brief required a brand that was sleek, contemporary, and recognisable within the community. I decided to design an outline of the Kingsmoss Gospel Hall building, a distinctive building in the Kingsmoss area. Using this identifiable building shape in the logo, I was able to include it in various design assets and areas of the website design. By utilising the serif font "Jost," which is reminiscent of "Brandon Grotesque," I successfully created a sharp, modern brand identity. For colours, we replicated the colours used inside to allow consistency.

UX / Website Design

I conducted UX audits, created site maps, and after researching various websites in similar categories, I began designing the website in Figma for both desktop and mobile. wireframes, and mockups. Once the initial designs were complete, I presented them to senior members of Kingsmoss Gospel Hall in the format of an informal workshop. This session allowed me to explain my design decisions and gather their thoughts, feedback, and any requested changes.

After this session, I refined the brand and website design. Working alongside a freelance developer, we have given a fresh, and functionally updated look.

Development is still ongoing and will be live Summer 2024.

New Brand Identity & Logo Creation

Discovery & Feedback Workshops

UX Audit of old site

Information Architecture & Site Maps


User Experience Design

User Interface Design

Responsive Web Design

Usability Testing